

Help us find Senegalese & Japanese football fans

Posted by

Adam B.



To be done on

Sun, 24 Jun 2018


We are 4 mates, on an adventure to challenge London’s status as the most multi-cultural city on Earth. We’re trying to watch a World Cup match with fans of every nation, without leaving London. We’ve had some amazing invites already and you can follow our progress on our Instagram account. @WatchingWithTheWorld But......we are struggling to get an invite from fans of Senegal and Japan to watch their team with them. We’ve tried everything from the Embassy to University Associations. So we will pay anyone who can find us a Senegalese and Japanese football fan, to watch a game with. We’ll travel anywhere in London and the next Senegal game is Tuesday at 4pm and again on Sunday at 4pm. Japan play Tuesday at 1pm, Sunday at 4pm and Thursday at 3pm. Thank you. Kevin, Adam, Paco, Rasmus


Deevak V.'s profile image
Deevak V.
Completion Rate

Successfully completed 88% of tasks assigned.

A group of friends did a similar thing for the 2014 World Cup, watch a game in a 'country bar' for each team in London. We are doing the same this year. On the hunt for a Senegal bar, will update if we find one.

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